Imagine This…

Your boss sends you an email that reads, “come to my office after your shift.” The thoughts immediately begin swirling and you wonder what you have done wrong. Are you getting fired? All day, the butterflies and dread do flips in your stomach. The day finally ends and you walk into the office, anxiety on your face. “Congratulations! You’re getting a raise” he says.

What if you text your boyfriend a sweet message and he doesn’t text you back all day long? What thoughts run through your mind?

Imagine you feel an odd pain in your stomach. Do you immediately jump to the worst conclusions?

The reason we so commonly fill ourselves with ANXIETY, DREAD, and FEAR all comes down to one thing…our core beliefs.

What are Core Beliefs?

Core beliefs are deep-rooted beliefs that we hold about ourselves and the world around us. Of course, as humans…we tend to develop negative ones. These could include beliefs like:

Everyone always leaves me.

I don’t deserve happiness.

I am not a likeable person.

What they Do

Carrying these negative and UNTRUE beliefs with us, can impact our lives in so many ways that we may not even notice.

We might overreact to situations. We might immediately jump to negative conclusions. We may stress ourselves excessively over things that are untrue or likely will never happen.

Our thoughts play a big role in our actions. If we are continuously feeling stressed, scared, or down we may begin to act accordingly. This could include lashing out at others, developing extreme anxiety, or relapse.

Mindset Reset

They say that it takes 28 days to create a habit, so I gave you 30 just in case.

The Mindset Reset journal allows you to challenge these negative core beliefs DAILY for 30 days, meaning you can create the habit of thinking postiively. This allows your mind to shift from automaticallly picking out the negative, to automaticlly being positive.

Follow our journey.